Newhaven Harbour

One of my favourite spots in Edinburgh. Newhaven is possibly the best place for sunsets in Edinburgh, with a reasonably clear view west it’s a perfect location on a summers night. I first found Newhaven when the Harry Ramsdens opened down here, shame that shut down.

Anyhow, lets start a little photographic tour of the harbour and where better to start than the lighthouse, not like you could miss it down here now could you? Doubt it serves much purpose these days other than decorative but it’s nice it’s still here.



The breakwater here runs all the way around to the old Newhaven lighthouse at the entrance to Leith Docks which I’ll get down a photograph soon, you can walk all the way along if you fancy a dice with death, it’s very slippy along here. At low tide some pretty big rocks get exposure, you see where a typical high tide comes up to, I’ve nearly broke my neck on more than one occasion trying to cross the seaweed zone.

Walking the breakwater

Walking the breakwater

Low tide

Low tide

At the other side of the lighthouse is the Harbour entrance, again this is very low tide and the rocky sea bed is exposed. This is actually quite a popular fishing spot as well. No idea if they catch much but it’s popular none the less.

Harbour Mouth

Harbour Mouth

Newhaven is actually still a working harbour, among the pleasure boats there’s a fair mix of working boats still here, as the lobster pots show.

Lobster Pots

Lobster Pots

You can walk down the slipway and right around the harbour at low tide, it’s not recommended though unless you have suckers for feet.

Slipway Cobbles

Slipway Cobbles

You can usually find evidence of recent catches on the slipway, crabs, mackerel and today mussels are regular finds.



Looking towards the road you can still see where a transit van crashed through the railings last year and ended up stuck in the mud at the bottom of the harbour.

Broken Railings

Broken Railings

Talking of the mud, it’s a veritable cyclists treasure trove, fancy a fixer-upper bike?

Bike 1

Bike 1

Bike 2

Bike 2

Bike 3

Bike 3

And a classic Newhaven shot to finish off with…

Boat and Seagull

Boat and Seagull





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